AP Ramos, Chad Hazlett, JS Stephen Smith (2023). “Better individual-level risk models can improve the targeting and life-saving potential of early-mortality interventions”. Scientific Reports volume 13, 21706 (Winner of the IPUMS Global Health Research Award )
AP Ramos, MJ Flores, ML Ross (2020). Where has democracy helped the poor? Democratic transitions and early-life mortality at the country level. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113442.
AP Ramos, MJ Flores, RE Weiss (2020). Leave no child behind: Using data from 1.7 million children from 67 developing countries to measure inequality within and between groups of births and to identify left behind populations. PlosOne, 15(10), e0238847.
AP Ramos, RE Weiss, JS Heymann (2018). Improving program targeting to combat early-life mortality by identifying high-risk births: an application to India. Population health metrics, 16, 15.
Under Review
“Effects of Anti-Corruption Audits on Early-Life Mortality: Evidence from Brazil” (with Simeon Nitcher, and Gustavo J. Bobonis).
“Measuring Within and Between Group Inequality in Early-Life Mortality Over Time: A Bayesian Approach with Application to India” (with Robert Weiss and Zack Almquist).
“Explaining the Decline of Child Mortality in 44 Developing Countries: A Bayesian extension of Oaxaca Decomposition for Probit Random Effects Models” (with Patrick Heuveline, Robert Weiss, Leiwen Gao and Martin Flores).
“Reducing Inequalities by Using an Unbiased Machine Learning Approach to Identify Births with the Highest Risk of Preventable Neonatal Deaths” (with Fábio Cadieraro, Marcus Nascimento and Raphael Saldanha).
Work in progress
“One pandemic is not like the other: A National Level Survey Contrasting COVID-19 against a New Pandemic” (with Fabio Caldierado, Marcus Nascimento, and Chad Hazlett).